
IEEE Signal Processing Society Travel Grants for Student Authors of Accepted Papers

IEEE SPS is providing support for the student authors of accepted papers. Please send a motivation letter and email it to with a subject line [SPS travel grant] no later than November 15th. Each motivation letter must be accompanied by a recommendation letter from your supervisor or a senior colleague who is familiar with your work. 

For applicants from Europe as where the conference is located, the grant support is up to US$500. For applicants from regions other than Europe, the typical support is up to US$1000. Note that there is limited budget available. For this grant IEEE SPS membership is required.

Application deadline: November 15


4TU.Federation NIRICT registration support for Master of Science students in the Netherlands 

We gladly announce that 4TU.Federation Netherlands Institute for Research on ICT (NIRICT) is supporting our workshop. The Master of Science students from 4 Technical Universitities in the Netherlands can receive stipends for workshop registration. For those who are interested should submit a one page motivation letter including their institution and program and send it by e-mail to with a subject line [NIRICT stipend]. There are limited seats avaialble, thus students who will follow the whole workshop program will have priority. 

Application deadline: November 15