Conference Program

Monday December 9 Room
12:30-18:00 Registration  
13:30-15:00 Tutorial 1: Key Agreement and Secure Identification with Physical Unclonable Functions Collegezaal
13:30-15:00 Tutorial 2: Practical Fully Homomorphic Encryption: Boolean and other arithmetic computations Mekelzaal 4
13:30-15:00 Tutorial 3: Adversarial Robustness - Theoretical and Practical Perspectives Mekelzaal 2
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-17:00 Tutorial 1: Key Agreement and Secure Identification with Physical Unclonable Functions Collegezaal
15:30-17:00 Tutorial 2: Practical Fully Homomorphic Encryption: Boolean and other arithmetic computations Mekelzaal 4
15:30-17:00 Tutorial 3: Adversarial Robustness - Theoretical and Practical Perspectives Mekelzaal 2
17:30-19:30 Welcome Reception
Tuesday December 10 Room: Mekelzaal 2
8:00-17:00 Registration
8:45-9:00 Opening Talks

Keynote: Prof. Dr. Frans Willems  An Information-Theoretical Approach Toward SRAM-PUF Authentication

Chair: Zekeriya Erkin

10:00-10:30 Coffee break

Session: Understanding real-world signals

Chair: Gianni Poggi  

  • Automatic Reliability Estimation for Speech Audio Surveillance Recordings by Clara Borrelli, Paolo Bestagini, Fabio Antonacci, Augusto Sarti and Stefano Tubaro. 
  • Blind Vocoder Speech Reconstruction using Generative Adversarial Networks by Yoav Blum and David Burshtein.
  • Siamese Networks for Static Keystroke Dynamics Authentication by Romain Giot and Anderson Rocha.
  • Image Semantic Representation for Event Understanding by Caroline Mazini Rodrigues, Luis Pereira, Anderson Rocha and Zanoni Dias.
12:00-13:30 Lunch Break
12:00-13:30 TIFS Editorial Board Meeting with Lunch

Special session: Adversarial Machine Learning

Chair: Matthias Kirchner   

  • On the Robustness to Adversarial Examples of Neural ODE Image Classifiers by Fabio Carrara, Roberto Caldelli, Fabrizio Falchi and Giuseppe Amato.
  • Adversarial CNN Training Under JPEG Laundering Attacks: a Game-Theoretic Approach by Mauro Barni, Dequ Huang, Bin Li and Benedetta Tondi.
  • Detecting and Simulating Artifacts in GAN Fake Images by Xu Zhang, Svebor Karaman and Shih-Fu Chang.
  • Enhancing JPEG Steganography using Iterative Adversarial Examples by Huaxiao Mo, Tingting Song, Bolin Chen, Weiqi Luo and Jiwu Huang.
15:00-15:30 Coffee break

Session: Steganalysis and physical security

Chair: Rémi Cogranne

  • Pooled Steganalysis in JPEG: how to deal with the spreading strategy? by Ahmad Zakaria, Marc Chaumont and Gérard Subsol.
  • Copy Sensitive Graphical Code Estimation: Physical vs Numerical Resolution by Rohit Yadav, Iuliia Tkachenko, Alain Tremeau and Thierry Fournel.
  • Debiasing of SRAM PUFs: Selection and Balancing by Lieneke Kusters and Frans Willems.
  • Efficient Bound for Conditional Min-Entropy of Physical Unclonable Functions Beyond IID by Florian Wilde, Christoph Frisch and Michael Pehl.
17:15-18:15 Guided tour to Delft and Lichtjesavond (Light Festival)
Wednesday  December 11 Room: Mekelzaal 2
8:00-12:00 Registration

Keynote: Dr. Valérie Goffaux  Face Perception by the Human Visual System

Chair: Rainer Böhme

10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-12:00 Session: Forensics Chair: Benedetta Tondi   
  • SPN-CNN: Boosting Sensor-Based Source Camera Attribution With Deep Learning by Matthias Kirchner and Cameron Johnson.
  • Incremental learning for the detection and classification of GAN-generated images by Francesco Marra, Cristiano Saltori, Giulia Boato and Luisa Verdoliva.
  • File Fragmentation in the Wild: a Privacy-Friendly Approach by Vincent van der Meer, Hugo Jonker, Guy Dols, Harm Van Beek, Jeroen van den Bos and Marko Van Eekelen.
  • Detection of Cyber Grooming in Online Conversation by Patrick Bours and Halvor Kulsrud.
12:00-13:30 Lunch Break
12:00-13:30 IFS Committee Meeting with Lunch

Session: Biometrics

Chair: Patrizio Campisi

  • Visual Feature Space Analyses of Face Morphing Detectors to Predict Generalization Ability by Clemens Seibold, Anna Hilsmann, Andrey Makrushin, Christian Kraetzer, Tom Neubert,Jana Dittmann and Peter Eisert.
  • Biometric Template Protection in the Image Domain Using Non-invertible Grey-scale Transforms by Luca Debiasi, Simon Kirchgasser, Bernhard Prommegger, Andreas Uhl, Grudzien Artur and Kowalski Marcin.
  • Template Protection based on Homomorphic Encryption: Computational Efficient Application to Iris-Biometric Verification and Identification by Jascha Kolberg, Pia Bauspieß, Marta Gomez-Barrero, Christian Rathgeb, Markus Dürmuth and Christoph Busch.
  • Group Membership Verification: Sparse or Dense? by Marzieh Gheisari, Teddy Furon and Laurent Amsaleg.
15:00-15:30 Coffee break

Session: TIFS/SPL Papers, Demo’s and On-Going Work

Chair: Annalisa Verdoliva

  • A Scalable Architecture for Uncompressed-Domain Watermarked Videos
  • Toward More Accurate Matching of Contactless Palmprint Images Under Less Constrained Environments
  • Ensemble of Multi-View Learning Classifiers for Cross-Domain Iris Presentation Attack Detection
  • Secrecy Analysis of Finite-Precision Compressive Cryptosystems
  • Noiseprint: A CNN-Based Camera Model Fingerprint
  • Information-theoretic Bounds for the Forensic Detection of Downscaled Signals
  • Secure Communication and Identification Systems–Effective Performance Evaluation on Turing Machines
  • Secure Storage Capacity under Rate Constraints—Continuity and Super Activation
  • Secure Storage for Identification; Random Resources and Privacy Leakage
  • Secure Identification under Passive Eavesdroppers and Active Jamming Attacks
  • Depreciating Motivation and Empirical Security Analysis of Chaos-based Image and Video Encryption
  • Fast and Effective Image Copy-Move Forgery Detection via Hierarchical Feature Point Matching
  • Facing Device Attribution Problem for Stabilized Video Sequences
  • Contactless Fingerprint Recognition Based on Global Minutia Topology and Loose Genetic Algorithm?
  • A feasibility study of deep neural networks for the recognition of banknotes regarding central bank requirements
18:30-22:30 Gala Dinner
Thursday  December 12 Room: Mekelzaal 2
8:00-10:30 Registration

Session: Privacy

Chair:  Tiziano Bianchi

  • Privacy-Aware Location Sharing with Deep Reinforcement Learning by Ecenaz Erdemir, Pier Luigi Dragotti and Deniz Gunduz.
  • Ranking-Based Attacks to In-Region Location Verification Systems by Alessandro Brighente, Francesco Formaggio, Gabriele Ruvoletto and Stefano Tomasin.
  • A Version Space Perspective on Differentially Private Pool-Based Active Learning by Shantanu Rane and Alejandro Brito.
  • Single-Component Privacy Guarantees in Helper Data Systems and Sparse Coding by Behrooz Razeghi, Taras Stanko, Boris Škorić and Slava Voloshynovskiy.
10:30-11:00 Coffee break

Session: Physical Layer

Chair:  Rafael F. Schaefer

  • Physical Layer Privacy in Broadcast Channels by Pin-Hsun Lin, Christiane Kuhn, Thorsten Strufe and Eduard A. Jorswieck.
  • Blind Physical Layer Authentication over Fading Wireless Channels through Machine Learning by Linda Senigagliesi, Lorenzo Cintioni, Marco Baldi and Ennio Gambi.
  • On the Precise Phase Recovery for Physical-Layer Authentication in Dynamic Channels by Hendrik Vogt, Chu Li, Christian Zenger and Aydin Sezgin.
12:00-13:30 Lunch 

Session: Communications Security

Chair:  Shantanu Rane

  • Secret Key Generation from a Two Component Compound Source with Rate Constrained One Way Communication: Perfect Secrecy by Sebastian Baur, Ning Cai, Moritz Wiese and Holger Boche.
  • A Power Control Game Involving Jamming and Eavesdropping Defense by Andrey Garnaev and Wade Trappe. 
  • Resource Allocation for Secure Communication Systems: Algorithmic Solvability by Holger Boche, Rafael F. Schaefer and H. Vincent Poor.
  • PolyMat Codes for Secure Distributed Multiple Matrix Multiplication by Nitish Mital, Cong Ling and Deniz Gunduz.
15:00-15:15 Closing remarks